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The past of our association and the field.

November 10, 1967

Determining the condition for healthcare professions

Royal Decree No. 78 of November 10, 1967 on the practice of healthcare professions lays down the conditions for the practice of medicine, nursing and paramedical professions.


First professional associations for X-ray laboratory technicians

The first professional associations for X-ray laboratory technicians are founded under the name of a non-profit organization. The MRTB and VMRL, French-speaking and Dutch-speaking associations for X-ray laboratory technicians, have as their main goal - after organizing further training - the recognition of the profession of X-ray laboratory technician. For ten years, the exploration and search for the right path in a political maze of a Federal Belgium has been divided into Communities.


A new name: VMBv

VMRL becomes VMBv, the Flemish Association of Medical Imaging Professionals, a professional association recognized by law.

December 21, 1989

Origin of the National Council for the Paramedical Professions

VMRL becomes VMBv, the Flemish Association of Medical Imaging Professionals, a professional association recognized by law.

November 7, 1991

Origin of the term Medical Imaging Technologist

On November 7, 1991, an advice was formulated for the use of the term 'Technoloog medisch beeldvormer' as a professional title, subsequently changed on the advice of the Council of State to 'Technoloog Medische Beeldvorming' (TMB) by analogy with the French professional title 'Technologue en imagerie medical' (TIM).

January 10, 1992

Origin of the Technical Committee for the Paramedical Professions

Royal Decree of 10 January 1992 containing further regulations regarding the composition, organization and operation of the Technical Commission for the Paramedical Professions (TCPB). This is a federal advisory body that advises on the list of technical assistance services and on the list of actions that doctors can entrust on their own responsibility and under supervision.


End of NRPB

Last meeting of the 'medical imaging' department of the National Council for the Paramedical Professions.

January 25, 1996

TMB qualification requirements advice

Advice from the Technical Committee for the Paramedical Professions (TCPB) regarding the qualification requirements for and actions of the profession of medical imaging technologist on January 25, 1996.

February 28, 1997

KB professional title TMB & qualification requirements

Royal Decree of 28 February 1997 on the professional title and qualification requirements for the practice of the profession of medical imaging technologist and establishing the list of actions with which the latter can be charged by a doctor.

September 1998

First TMB training

Start of the recognized training as Medical Imaging Technologist (MIT) at the then named Katholieke Hogeschool Brussel (now Odisee), after submission of an existing physiotherapy training (physiotherapy decree 23/06/1998).

June 2002

First batch of TMB students

The first group of Medical Imaging Technologists is graduating.


Establishment of European Federation of Radiographer Societies

The European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS) was founded in 2008 by 27 professional associations of radiographers, including the VMBv. Before that, many European associations of radiographers had been meeting and working together under the umbrella of the ISRRT since the 1950s.

Today, the EFRS is an umbrella organization to which 40 professional associations for medical imagers in Europe are affiliated to represent, promote and develop the medical imager profession in Europe.

May 20, 2012

Application for a recognition procedure and extension of entrusted actions

On May 20, 2012, the VMBv sent a letter with its objectives to BELMIP, with the main points being, on the one hand, the application for a recognition procedure and, on the other hand, the application to expand the list of entrusted procedures with radiotherapy and echocardiography, at the request of the General Members' Meeting of the professional association. This letter requested two action points:


  • Request the start of an individual recognition procedure and transitional measure for all professionals who work in a Medical Imaging service.

  • Inclusion of radiotherapy and echocardiography in the list of procedures entrusted.

December 2, 2014

The recognition is coming!

The recognition and the transitional measure were introduced: since December 2, 2014, everyone who works in a Medical Imaging service is required to be in possession of the recognition and the visa - a professional identity card that serves as a license - issued by the Ministry of Health.

An exception to this rule are nurses who are legally allowed to work in a Medical Imaging service on the basis of the Royal Decree of 18 June 1990 establishing the list of technical nursing services and the list of actions performed by the doctor on nursing practitioners. can be entrusted.


The recognition meant the end of a years-long policy of tolerance whereby anyone was allowed to work in radiology, even without any diploma. The recognition guarantees that the medical imager meets the training requirements for the correct and qualitative practice of the profession. The VMBv has pressed for a transitional measure to avoid a social bloodbath: those with sufficient experience could apply for a derogation (assimilated) until the end of August 2019, subject to a certificate from the employer.

December 22, 2017

Renewal of the KB

The Royal Decree of 28 February 1997 is renewed:

Royal Decree of 22 December 2017 on the professional title and qualification requirements for the practice of the profession of medical imaging technologist and establishing the list of technical services and the list of actions with which the latter can be charged by a doctor.

This publication was based on advice 2013/04 of the National Council for Paramedical Professions and advice 2015/01 of the Technical Committee for Paramedical Professions (TCPB). From now on, the Medical Imaging Technologist may legally operate radiotherapy and echocardiography equipment.

December 21, 2018

Changes to the ARBIS

The Royal Decree of 28 February 1997 is renewed:

Amendment to the ARBIS with publication on 21/12/2018. Radioprotection training will become mandatory for those who actively help to ensure the medical exposure of patients. For technologists, this is included in the bachelor's degree program. Nurses and non-technologists who work in a radiology department must follow additional training of at least 50 hours, of which at least 10 hours are practice. An additional 10 hours of training is provided for radiotherapy and nuclear medicine.

This publication was based on advice 2013/04 of the National Council for Paramedical Professions and advice 2015/01 of the Technical Committee for Paramedical Professions (TCPB). From now on, the Medical Imaging Technologist may legally operate radiotherapy and echocardiography equipment.

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